Cherry Blossom Festival in Wuhan University happens around late March

School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University
Research interests: single cell and spatial genomics, data mining, bioinformatics, computational systems biology, nonlinear dynamics, math oncology
Email: sqjin_at_whu.edu.cn
Positions: We are looking for motivated graduate students and postdoc. Please contact me if you are interested.
Dr. Suoqin Jin received his Ph.D. mentored by Prof. Xiufen Zou from Wuhan University in 2016 and then did his postdoc training in Prof. Qing Nie's lab in the Math Department at University of California Irvine. He works on the interface between mathematics, data science and biomedicine. His main research focuses on developing mathematical theories, models and computational methods to address the challenging questions in biomedical field, particularly regarding complex diseases (e.g., cancer), skin biology and neuroscience. Recently, he is particulalry interested in developing mathematical models and machine learning methods for analyzing single-cell genomic and imaging data, as well as nonlinear dynamics analysis of tumor microenvironment.